Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Merry Christmas

This week has been great! We have met some really amazing new people and members. Every Thursday, we teach a couple who were baptized two years ago. She is an angel. They haven't been coming to church because her husband is old and he doesn't want to. She on the other hand wants to go every week, but he holds her back because it is difficult for her to go alone without him being there with her. Needless to say, she came to church on Sunday!! She was emotional throughout sacrament meeting.  She is incredible. Every week she gives us fruit at her home ( it doesn't always taste good) and she always prays for the children in Africa. I just love her!!

On Sunday after church, we were looking for less active members in our ward and came across a family who's mom and dad have been inactive for almost 14 years. We taught them and their entire family and will be teaching them again either today or tomorrow.

On Monday, we had divisions with the district leaders and on Tuesday we had divisions with our zone leaders. Funny story. A couple days ago, our zone leaders called and told me that both Elder Murphy and I were going on divisions in their zone in the same day.  Over the phone I interpreted it as if they said that we were going to work in their Zone and they were going to work in ours. I took it as a joke, but being 3 month in the mission, I totally misunderstood them.haha. Anyway, Elder Murphy and I went over to their house thinking that one of them would walk back with Elder Murphy, but I was wrong. We both, to our surprise, stayed in their sector. haha (I hope that made sense, if not I'm sorry).

Anyway, this week has been really busy. We are busy with our work and are finding lots of new people! 

I really hope you all will enjoy your Christmas and to remember what it is really about! We should enjoy the gifts, food, and the other holiday traditions because they are great! But we should spend some time thinking about our Savior! This is my invitation to you all! Think about his birth, think about his life, think of ways you can serve people, and think about what he has taught you in your life! 

Nos Vemos Cabros Chicos!

Merry Christmas!!

Elder Hendrix

Teaching the latinos how to dribble

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

His Grace is Sufficient

This week is the first week with my new companion! Elder Murphy is from Idaho and we were in the same group in the MTC……hahaha!! Needless to say we are both really excited to be together. On Saturday, we had a Noche de Flogar(sp) in the church. We gave a short message on “Illumina el Mundo” to the members about how we can serve this Christmas and then we played games! It was really fun and the members loved it. Going forward, we will be having one of these meetings every month.  Another thing that we have been doing is 5 minute lessons to all the members in our sector. We ran into a lady who was baptized 20 years ago.  When we started talking with her, she told us that she wanted us to come back to teach her and she said that she would go to church(without us even asking her!)!

On Monday, we had our Zone and District meetings and we talked about the importance of teaching doctrinal principles with a connection to Jesus Christ, which is key in teaching because it is really easy just to teach the principle. What we need to do is trace every doctrine and principle back to its root and connection with Jesus Christ because He is the key to conversion and coming unto Him.

The rest of my week was the same really. Yesterday we had a lesson with a family in our ward.  We taught them about grace and the atonement. We did the activity of the line between me and Jesus and how far we have to travel to be saved. I had each of them draw their line to the distance they needed to travel. Some were half way while others were all the way to Jesus. Most people answer or draw the line incorrectly. The answer is that there is no line. No matter the “distance” we travel, Jesus has already payed the price for each and every one of us I love the scripture that says, “for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after al that we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23) We need to know and have confidence that His grace is sufficient for each and every one of us. I love teaching this lesson because it gives people hope to know that the sacrifice their Savior made was for them. There is a talk called “His Grace is Sufficient” by Brad Wilcox, It is incredible and I invite each of you to watch it.

Here is the link to the talk that he referenced above:

Until next week,

Elder Hendrix

Me and Elder Murphy along with our roommates with President and Sister Gwilliam.  They joined us in our apartment for breakfast this week. We talked about golf. President loves to golf too!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Two Gringos and a Transfer!

I don’t have much time. I want to share a really cool story! 2 months ago when I got here, I met a girl in the park outside of where I am serving while we were doing contacts. It was my 4th or 5th week here and I approached a girl that was sitting by herself at the park. I talked with her and she was joking with me about my Spanish. I shared a little about my beliefs and she said that her mom and boyfriend were members of our church! She was receptive but didn't give me her address. Ok, this is where it gets cool! A month later, I meet her on the street in my sector where I am serving!!! I set up a lesson with her and now have had 4 lessons with her! She has read a lot of The Book of Mormon and is progressing a ton!! In our last lesson, she told me that she was crying right before I started talking to her at the park where we first met!!! Insane!!!! I hope that story made sense. From my perspective, it was awesome to see everything come full circle

 Elder Murphy and Elder Hendrix
Anyway, this week, we had changes(transfers is what they are called in the States. It’s where you can be assigned a new companion). My new comp is Elder Murphy from Idaho. We were in the same group at the MTC, in Mexico City, so we already know each other!! We both have almost 3 months in the mission haha I’m  so excited to see how it will go!!!  As for Elder Carney, he was great!! I enjoyed my time with him so much! We really clicked! I sure will miss him!
Final week with Elder Carney

This week has been great! I have been thinking of why we are here on Earth. There are many reasons that we are here, but one reason we often forget is to be happy. In certain circumstances in our lives, it can be difficult, but it never is impossible. At times it is how we act that determines our happiness. How we look at a situation. Doing a kind act, or simply smiling. Happiness is contagious. If we are a happy people or display it, odds are that others around us will feel the same. It's contagious! I invite you to start that chain reaction. Brighten somebody's day, make someone feel good!!!! #LIGHTtheWORLD

Until next week,

Elder Hendrix

 My District Leader drew himself into our family photo!

Thursday, December 1, 2016


  Ok,  so my plug to my computer broke so I am doing this by typing this week and don't have much time! I have had a really good week this week! We are teaching two Haitians who 
are awesome! In a lesson we talked about the book of mormon and read from it! We read in Spanish while they read in French (we didn't have books in Creole for them!) Anyway one 
speaks Spanish relatively fluently while the other doesn't speak at all! So in this lesson we were communicating with each other in 4 different languages throughout the lesson! We were talking in Spanish to Venal! David was talking to us in broken English and 
we were talking back in English! They were talking to each other in Creole and were referencing scriptures in French!! I wish I could have filmed this lesson with us communicating in 4 different languages!!! It was awesome! 

A few days later we helped move in some furniture for them from other members in our ward! After we helped them they had a Haitian meal for us! It was pretty good! lol When we first started eating Elder Carney was kind of hesitant with the food while I was just going at it! Anyway a little in to eating everything, I noticed that there were chicken feet in the bowl!! lol!!! Crazy!

Anyway, the rest of my week was good! had divisions with the District leaders again!! 

This will be the last week I have in my training which means that Elder Carney and I will not be companions anymore.....I have really enjoyed my time with him, and he has helped me so much!

The theme this year for Christmas is Ilumina El Mundo!!!! We need to do just that! Light up the world through service. Watch the new church video! it is great and has service for us to do each day leading up to Christmas!! I invite all of you to do just 

I love the scripture that says when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are only in the service of our God!!! Do just that this Christmas.

Until next week,

Elder Hendrix

Here is the video he referenced: