Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The UN and an Ice Cream Machine

Really great week that we had here in the Santiago South Mission!!! So, on Friday we had a conference with President Texiera and it was great! We spent a lot of time discussing the open chapels that we had in the prior year. The open chapels we do here in our mission are really cool. We have posters in the church as well as a tour of the chapel and the baptismal font. We had lots of success and we had a discussion with him about how we can have more success here in Santiago. He even shared his personal conversion story of the missionary that baptized him. He grew up in Portugal and when he came to know the church he got baptized. He shared his story about how the gospel blessed his life and how even though there hadn’t been a church and that where they held their meetings was a basement and that even with all of that, it didn’t impede his knowledge that this was the true church. Really cool conversion story.

On that same day, we had a miracle with a woman named Mari. We were going to a lesson that we had with an investigator by the name of Renee but he wasn’t there in his house. A lady by the name of Mari walked around the corner and saw us and proceeded to talk to us in English (perfect) She told us that she had worked as a translator for the United Nations and that she had just gotten to Chile! She is great! And then we had a great lesson that was really spiritual! We taught about how Christs church is restored in this day and she really understood and comprehended everything that we taught her. She put her faith to works as well and came to church on Sunday! Great miracle!

We had another spiritual lesson with a man named Alfonso; he has been coming to church for quite some time and we had a great lesson and talked about the nature of our Heavenly Father and tried to help him understand his purpose to us as His children. We set a baptismal date and are excited for him!

Today we played capture the flag and had an ice cream machine brought to the P-day activity.  I think it was a hit.  I have no idea how many ice cream cones I ate.

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