Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Carlos' Baptism and Door Knocking

This week was an incredible one!! We were able to see so many miracles!

I’ll start with the Brake Family!! While we were returning to our house from a lunch appointment, we were walking down the street and we said hi to this lady in the park as we were walking by and she responded saying, ´Hola Elderes.´ That phrase puts every missionary into contact mode. We stopped, turned around and began talking to her. She was a Peruvian lady that had recently moved to Chile some 2 months back and was baptized in Peru. She has 4 children who moved to Chile as well! So we came by two days later to talk to the family and we met her son, William Brake!! He wants to be a missionary and is awesome! He has even been working on his family search and is a really GOOD kid. So their family name is Brake and it’s because their grandparents are African Americans who moved to Peru! 

Nonetheless, we went over and got to know the family and they are awesome! We invited them to our baptism the following day and then to church! Sure enough, William showed up but the mom couldn’t because she had a conflict and wasn’t able to make it.

And of course onSaturday, we had the baptism of Carlos Carreño! It was an incredible day! The baptism service was  wonderful and Carlos was really touched by the program and his baptism! He will be a great member of the church and will be a friend forever! We have such a great relationship with him and it was such a great experience to get to know him and to be there to share that special day with him!
The following day, Carlos was confirmed and even was the first person to offer to clean the church in Elders Quorum when they asked who could do it!! He will be a great addition to the quorum!

On Monday, I had one of the coolest experiences of my mission. We were on Divisions with the assistants and we had a good day and our plans fell through the last hour and around 9:45, 15 minutes before we had to enter into the house, we were on the street and I didn’t have any other plans or ideas. So, I thought, ya we will walk down the street and the first house with a light on, we will contact it! We walked, found the house, contacted it and out came a girl named Barbara. We told her we were missionaries and we began to talk. She was really nice and expressed to us that she had trouble believing in God but was always drawn back to Him and that she always wanted to believe in Him. She was so nice and receptive to us that I was a bit in shock!! We gave her a plan of salvation pamphlet and we will be going back over tonight to teach her!!! We are so excited! 

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